Four steps to creating a consistent wedding theme

September 4, 2019

From the invitations, to the centrepieces, to your wedding bands, choosing a consistent theme will add another layer of personalization to your wedding. But pulling it off takes some dedicated planning, including a little bit of soul-searching to figure out just what style best reflects you and your betrothed.

We don’t have to tell you that planning a wedding is kind of a big deal. You don’t want to rush any of it, but that’s particularly true when it comes to deciding on the theme that will permeate the entire event. Your theme can be as subtle or overt as you (and your budget) choose. It might be smaller touches like your centrepieces and flourishes on your invitations. Or, a theme may influence everything from your wedding venue, to the menu, the music and even the style of attire you request of your guests.

Start your theme planning by keeping track of all your ideas (perhaps on Pinterest) as you read through these four steps. Once you’ve collected all your favourite ideas, start to work on how they can be tied together into one cohesive event.

Find Your Inspiration

Your biggest inspirations are bound to be you and your significant other. Do the two of you have complementary styles in general? If so, that’ll make things simple. If not, don’t worry! Look to other things you have in common for your wedding theme inspiration. For example:

  • Places you’ve travelled together. How could you use the Rocky Mountains in your theme? Or your love of beach vacations?
  • Favourite food or drinks. Can you build your wedding around a shared love of tacos and tiki drinks?
  • Beloved movies or music. What if you projected your favourite film on the wall during dinner or hired a live band for the party?

You might also find inspiration in your shared childhood favourites. Disney weddings, for example, are spectacularly elegant undertakings with a whole lot of fun for guests and the happy couple.

At the end of the day, your wedding theme will reflect your personal style. Your guests should feel like they’re getting a peek inside your head when they step into the event.

If you’ve never really considered your own personal style, not to worry. Keep it simple by considering whether you’d best describe your style as vintage, modern or elegant. A vintage wedding might take place in a gorgeous converted barn with twinkling lights, reclaimed wood centrepieces and family-style dining. A modern-themed wedding could be hosted in a stellar downtown restaurant. An elegant wedding might feature Champagne cocktails, soft lighting and an upscale venue.

For some truly inspired themed wedding, check out TheKnot.

Find your Dress

Once you’ve narrowed down your inspiration for the theme, extend that same thinking to the hunt for the dress. The perfect dress will not only suit the bride gorgeously, it will sparkle within the wedding’s theme. Read our tips for finding that ideal wedding dress.

If you’re just starting your search for a dress, here’s one shop to start with.

Find your Venue

Your venue is more than just a place to get married. It also tells your love story with an atmosphere that reflects the two of you. If you’d like a strong theme in your wedding, there’s no better way than by finding a venue that perfectly embodies that theme. Read more about deciding on the right venue for your wedding.

Find the Rings

It’s all in the details. And that includes the rings. If you choose a ring that you love, it’s a safe bet that planning a wedding in a similar style will bring you joy. Here are some great custom rings that represent a few different wedding themes:

See some of our other amazing custom rings for couples.
